Track your financial assets such as cryptocurrency, deposits, investment funds and stocks. Keep up to date with your portfolio with news sources and social media data.
Rows Created
Assets Supported
Data Sources
Numbered Account
Classify your portfolio as you wish with the flexible tagging feature.
Cryptocurrency, deposits, investment funds and stocks & more.
Follow the current status of your assets with advanced charts.
You can instantly generate reports that are tailored to your needs and filter them as you wish.
Asset Social aims to provide its users with a single place to track their financial assets and news sources.
You can track your various financial assets.
Thanks to data sources, you get up-to-date information.
You direct your financial future with analysis tools.
All the tools are with you from a single screen.
Asset Social is very easy to use.
You can always reach us, check out the help desk, or open a ticket for any questions you may have.
Numbered accounts are a system that provides high confidentiality and security, used instead of classical user registration processes. We respect the personal data of our users, we do not request any data from you, including your e-mail address. You can log in with the unique user id you will create when registering.
Thanks to the flexible tagging feature, you can categorize your financial assets as you wish.
We source data from a variety of news sources, including X.
Yes, you can always make a request for the financial assets you want to track.
To ensure high level of privacy, we only accept cryptocurrencies as payment method.